PADI Open Water Diver Course

PADI Open Water Diver Course

Duration 3 days

Equipment Included

Requirements : At least 10 years old, Fit for diving and Able to swim.

Description :

Ever pictured yourself weightlessly drifting amidst vibrant coral reefs? Witnessing schools of fish dance around you in a silent symphony of colors?

The PADI Open Water Diver Course at The First Dive in Hurghada makes this dream a reality!

No more cages, no more limited tours. With this internationally recognized program, you'll become a certified diver, free to explore the underwater world with a buddy down to 60 feet (18 meters).

Imagine the freedom! The PADI Open Water Diver Course in Hurghada is a multi-day program designed to transform you into a confident and independent diver.

Through engaging classroom sessions, rigorous pool training, and thrilling open water dives in the Red Sea, you'll master essential diving principles, refine your skills, and gain the knowledge you need to safely explore the underwater world.

What will they learn in PADI Open Water Diver Course?

During your Open Water Course in Hurghada, you'll:

  • Master dive theory and physics: Understand dive planning, equipment usage, and safety procedures.
  • Refine essential skills: Gain practical experience with buoyancy control, navigation, and emergency procedures.
  • Practice in a controlled environment: Build confidence and refine your skills in the pool before venturing into the open water.
  • Experience the magic: Embark on unforgettable open water dives, exploring the diverse marine life of the Red Sea.
  • Learn to plan and execute dives: Gain the confidence to explore independently within your certification limits.
  • Earn your global diving passport: Receive your internationally recognized PADI Open Water Diver certification, opening doors to countless diving experiences worldwide.

Appropriate age to join the PADI Open Water Diver Course program

The PADI Open Water Diver Course welcomes participants aged 10 and above. Swimming ability is mandatory, and a medical clearance may be required depending on individual health conditions.

Available Languages

For information on other available languages please contact us.

PADI Open Water Diver Course Certificate

Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive your globally recognized PADI Open Water Diver certification.

This prestigious certification allows you to independently dive with a buddy to a depth of 60 feet (18 meters) anywhere in the world.

Dive local reefs, embark on international diving trips, or continue your diving journey with advanced PADI courses – the possibilities are endless!

Ready to unlock the incredible world of scuba diving?

Contact The First Dive in Hurghada today and start your underwater adventure with the PADI Open Water Diver Course!


  • All beginner scuba divers, including adults, should stay above 18 meters/60 feet until they have additional training or experience. Junior students are to train and dive under the direct supervision of a parent, guardian, or active dive professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does the course take?

    The duration varies based on individual progress, typically 3 days.

  • What equipment do I need?

    The First Dive provides all necessary equipment!

  • Do I need prior diving experience?

    No prior experience is required.

  • What are the physical requirements?

    Basic swimming ability and good overall health are necessary.

  • What can I do with my certification?

    Dive independently with a buddy to 60 feet (18 meters) worldwide!

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