Advanced Open Water Diver Course

Advanced Open Water Diver Course

Duration 3 days

Equipment Included

Requirements : Basic Open Water Diver certification or equivalent from any recognized diving agency

Description :

The Advanced Open Water Diver course is a certification course that allows you to expand your scuba diving skills and explore new types of diving. You will learn how to dive deeper, navigate underwater, and choose from a variety of specialty dives that suit your interests. You will also gain more confidence and experience as a diver.

What will they learn in Advanced Open Water Diver Course?

The course consists of five adventure dives, each focusing on a different aspect of diving, such as navigation, buoyancy, night, deep, and wreck diving. You will learn how to plan and execute dives in different environments and conditions, as well as how to handle common problems and challenges.

Appropriate age to join the Advanced Open Water Diver Course program

12 years old.

Available Languages

For information on other available languages please contact us.

Advanced Open Water Diver Course Certificate

The Advanced Open Water Diver Course certification is a level of scuba diving training that allows you to dive deeper and explore different types of diving.


  • The course does not have an exam, but you need to review the relevant sections of the PADI Adventures in Diving manual or eLearning before each dive.

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